Oftentimes, and with good reason, it is said that plastic is too valuable to go to waste and it deserves a second life. This is one of the reasons why the Plastic Second Life certification was established.

There are several types of label, each of which tells the story of the “first life” of the plastics that make up the certified product.

PSV Label Types

Oftentimes, and with good reason, it is said that plastic is too valuable to go to waste and it deserves a second life. This is one of the reasons why the Plastic Second Life certification was established.

There are several types of label, each of which tells the story of the “first life” of the plastics that make up the certified product.

PSV Label Types

PSV Label Types Oftentimes, and with good reason, it is said that plastic is too valuable to go to waste and it deserves a second life. This is one of the reasons why the Plastic Second Life certification was established.

There are several types of label, each of which tells the story of the “first life” of the plastics that make up the certified product.
PSV Label Types Oftentimes, and with good reason, it is said that plastic is too valuable to go to waste and it deserves a second life. This is one of the reasons why the Plastic Second Life certification was established.

There are several types of label, each of which tells the story of the “first life” of the plastics that make up the certified product.

PSV label from separate waste collection: for materials and products made up of from 30 to 100% polymers obtained from separate waste collection, whose specifications are defined in Ministerial Decree 203/03 on Green Public Procurement (GPP) as well as in the circular of the Ministry of the Environment of 4 August 2004. For post-consumer raw materials only, compliance with UNI 10667 standards is required, where applicable.

PSV label from industrial waste: for materials and products obtained from industrial residues in the same percentages as required for the PSV label from separate waste collection (30-100%). For pre-consumer secondary raw materials only, compliance with UNI 10667 standards is required, where applicable.

PSV Mix Eco label: for materials and products obtained from mixtures of materials obtained from separate waste collection and/or industrial residues having a minimum content of recycled plastics of 5%.

PSV Food Label: for materials and objects intended to come into contact with food
The “PSV Food” label may be issued to:

  • pre-consumer and/or post-consumer plastics and manufactured goods made from such materials

  • manufactured products in which pre-consumer and/or post-consumer recycled plastics and used behind a functional barrier

PSV Bag label: certifies the content and traceability of recycled plastic stored in reusable bags

PSV By-Product label: Certifies plastic materials managed as by-products (i.e., residues, scraps and pre-consumer plastic industrial residues coming from both the production and the transformation of polymers, actually used during the same or a subsequent plastic material manufacturing process by the manufacturer or by third parties, without further treatments other than standard industrial practices, since they already meet product requirements in the sector for further activities of production/transformation of plastic materials) and/or materials and/or semi-finished products and/or finished products made from by-products,

Minimum by-product content ≥ 5%.

Without prejudice to the possibility of reducing this percentage with IPR’s prior authorization on account of specific technical or regulatory provisions.

A binding pre-condition for certification is compliance with the provisions of Article 184 bis of Legislative Decree 152/2006.